AS3: Keep your UI's DRY

Consider the following code snippet. Real world code, a form with multiple icons: //contactIconBtn var contactIconBtn:Sprite = _skin.getAssetAs("contactIconBtn", Sprite, null ); _contactIconBtn = new OSIconButton(contactIconBtn); _contactIconBtn.addEventListener(InteractiveContainer.ON_CLICK, _hanldeButtons );

//whatIsIconBtn => window_info:
var whatIsIconBtn:Sprite = _skin.getAssetAs("whatIsIconBtn", Sprite, null );
_whatIsIconBtn = new OSIconButton(whatIsIconBtn);
_whatIsIconBtn.addEventListener(InteractiveContainer.ON_CLICK, _hanldeButtons );

var twitterIconBtn:Sprite = _skin.getAssetAs("twitterIconBtn", Sprite, null );
_twitterIconBtn = new OSIconButton(twitterIconBtn);
_twitterIconBtn.addEventListener(InteractiveContainer.ON_CLICK, _hanldeButtons );

var facebookIconBtn:Sprite = _skin.getAssetAs("facebookIconBtn", Sprite, null );
_facebookIconBtn = new OSIconButton(facebookIconBtn);
_facebookIconBtn.addEventListener(InteractiveContainer.ON_CLICK, _hanldeButtons );

Ugly, how to keep it DRY? Let's first look at this other snippet, which is the same but refactored.

var icons:Array = _skin.locateChildrenBySuffix(/(^.+)(IconBtn)/i, Sprite, -1);
var btn:OSIconButton;
for each( var skin:Sprite in icons ) {
    btn = new OSIconButton(skin);
    btn.addEventListener(InteractiveContainer.ON_CLICK, _hanldeButtons );
    this["_" +] = btn;

Much nicer, ain't it!

Now, for this to work we need to have in place some conventions. This is how I handle the buttons. Notice how there is a single method handling all buttons and discriminating by the button's name:

private function _hanldeButtons(e:Event):void {
    switch( ) {
            _windowManager.openWindow( WindowContact.ID, false );
            _windowManager.openWindow( WindowInfo.ID, false );
            var link:LinkVO = ModelList.instance.siteModel.getLink( "facebookUrl");
            link.execute( );
            link = ModelList.instance.siteModel.getLink( "twitterUrl");
            link.execute( );

The important method of _skin:

 * @inheritDoc
public function locateChildrenBySuffix(suffix:*, type:Class , index:int = 0 ):* {
    var collection:Array = ContainerUtils.collect( _source, suffix );
    if ( collection.length == 1 ) return collection[0] as type;
    else if ( collection.length > 1 && index == -1 ) return collection;
    else return collection[index] as type;

The call to ContainerUtils.collect( _source, suffix ); handles the actual gathering of items:

 * @param    container
 * @param    mask
 * @return
public static function collect( container:DisplayObjectContainer, mask:* ):Array {

    var reg:RegExp = mask is RegExp ? mask : new RegExp( mask );

    var n:int = container.numChildren;
    var c:DisplayObject;
    var id:String;
    var childs:Array = [];
    while (n-- > 0 ) {
        c = container.getChildAt(n);
        id =;
        if ( id.match( reg ) ) childs.push( c );

    return childs;